Dermaroller consists of very fine needles lined up on a cylindrical drum. These specially prepared micro needles form micro channels on the skin. These micro channels are perceived by the skin as a wound. Dermaroller triggers growth factors, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production that occur in the skin’s natural wound healing process. As a result, skin regeneration occurs in that area.
Micro needles increase the passage of products such as cream, lotion, serum applied to the skin to the lower layers of the skin 200 times. It can be applied at 2-4 week intervals. For an effective treatment, 4- 6 sessions should be applied.
Usage areas:
It can be used safely in summer as it does not create sun sensitivity.
Patients can continue their daily lives after application. Its effectiveness can be increased by combining with PRP. It can be preferred with laser treatments or as complementary treatments before or after laser treatments.
Mikro iğneler cilde uygulanan krem, losyon, serum gibi ürünlerin derinin alt tabakalarına geçişini 200 kat artırır. 2-4 hafta aralıklarla uygulanabilir. Etkin bir tedavi için 4- 6 seans uygulanmalıdır.